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SKU: ICBM-1632-A Categories: , ,


Computer made/mounted on velcro   3.25 inch-83mm



The intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) weapon system is one of our nation’s most sophisticated and powerful defense tools. It’s the responsibility of Missile and Space Facilities specialists to keep ICBM launch facilities at peak operational capability. Inspecting, maintaining, operating and repairing everything from launch control systems to facility heating and cooling systems, these professionals perform duties integral to keeping our country safe from attack.


LGM-30G Minuteman III

Up to 400 Minuteman III missiles make up the most responsive leg of the nuclear triad. America’s ICBM force has remained on continuous, around-the-clock alert since 1959. The Ground-Based Strategic Deterrent program will begin the replacement of Minuteman III and modernization of the 450 ICBM launch facilities in 2029.

The Minuteman is a strategic weapon system using a ballistic missile of intercontinental range. Missiles are dispersed in hardened silos to protect against attack and connected to an underground launch control center through a system of hardened cables. Launch crews, consisting of two officers, perform around-the-clock alerts in the launch control center.

A variety of communication systems provide the president and secretary of defense with highly reliable, virtually instantaneous direct contact with each launch crew. Should command capability be lost between the launch control center and remote missile launch facilities, specially configured E-6B airborne launch control center aircraft automatically assume command and control of the isolated missile or missiles. Fully qualified airborne missile combat crews aboard airborne launch control center aircraft would execute the president’s orders.

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