Computer made/mounted on velcro 3.5 inch-90mm
The 97th Medical Operations Squadron has oversight over Aerospace and Operational Medicine Flight, Clinical Operations Flight, Dental Flight and Mental Health Flight.
Aerospace and Operational Medicine Flight is responsible for aircrew health and many base services. Aircrew medical care is provided through the Flight Medicine Clinic. The Human Performance Training Team provides physiological and human performance enhancement-tailored training, preparing aircrews to handle the physiological stresses of flight and human performance threats by developing and enhancing Operational Risk Management, situational awareness and safety programs. The Optometry Clinic provides services to both active duty and dependents. The Public Health element and Bioenvironmental Engineering element together assure medical readiness for deployers, occupational health and safety for base employees (including many civilians) and surveillance of the environment, utilities and illness for the entire base population. The Health and Wellness Center promotes healthy lifestyles while managing the base fitness “intervention” programs and providing patient education.
Clinical Operations Flight provides the majority of primary care in the medical group. Individual clinics are Family Health, Pediatrics, and Immunizations. Nearly 5.1K TRICARE enrolled beneficiaries receive primary care and other services to include minor procedures and routine preventative care.
Mental Health Flight provides assessment, treatment and education on a wide range of psychological and emotional issues. This flight also manages the Family Advocacy Program as well as the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment Program and the Drug Demand Reduction Program All programs provide a myriad of outreach services to assist Team Altus members in improving resiliency and coping skills.
Dental Flight provides timely, quality dental care to active duty members, ensuring the maximum number are world-wide qualified and mission ready at all times. Various dental services are provided ranging from preventive dentistry to comprehensive care including endodontics, prosthodontics, operative dentistry and oral surgery.